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Q: Started counting at 120. stopped at 360 . between 5 and 15 numbers when you counted?
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You started counting at 423 you stopped counting at 523 you said more than 10 numbers when you counted?


What are some synonyms of counted?

Counting Fingers Numbers .

What are the history of counting numbers?

The first counting numbers are 1-10. You counted fingers and toes and other body parts.

What are the counting numbers between 50 to 75?

counting number between 50 and 75

What is the relationship between counting numbers whole numbers integers and rational numbers?

Counting numbers are a proper subset of whole numbers which are the same as integers which are a proper subset of rational numbers.

What is the difference between counting and whole numbers?

diponmjoddo hifa ufdf ufjdind jokpiheh hyho uh jobnkndpejljofe

What is the difference between counting numbers and natural numbers?

Natural numbers do not include 0 whereas counting numbers do

What is the subset of counting numbers between 0 and 120 that are even that are divisible by five and that are the product of one of the counting numbers?

The subset of counting numbers between 0 and 120, inclusive, that are even, divisible by 5, and the square of one of the counting numbers are 0 and 100.Zero is included in this answer because, as of around the 1900's, it was added to the set of counting numbers, said set originally starting with one.

What are the counting numbers between 12 and 14?


What is the difference between integers and counting numbers?

The counting numbers are {1, 2, 3, ...}. The integers are the counting numbers, their opposites (-1, -2, ...) and zero. So they are {..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...}.

What is the difference between counting and measuring?

Measurement is simple but measuring width , length and liquid while counting is simple but counting numbers

What is the product of the 10 counting numbers?

Which 10 counting numbers? There is an infinity of counting numbers.