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constriction of the blood vessels

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Q: Stimulation of alpha-adrenergic receptors results in?
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Stimulation of the reticular formation results in what?

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A sensation that seems to fade away when receptors are continuously stimulated?

Sensory Adaptation, which is an adjustment made by the sensory receptors upon continuous stimulation.

What receptors are stimulated during urination?

Nerve receptors are stimulated during urination. This stimulation occurs when the walls of the bladder contract and the urination reflex is automatically activated.

Stimulation of which would cause an increase in heart rate and contraction strength?

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What is A phenomenon found in sensory perception in which the receptors gradually stop responding to continuous stimulation?

Sensory adaptation

What is a baroreflex?

A baroreflex is a reflex which results from stimulation of a baroreceptor.

Why do humans see different colors?

You have receptors for three primary colours in your retina. You can perceive the thousands of colours due to stimulation of the these receptors at different intensity in various permutations and combinations.