

The angles of all triangles equals how many degrees?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: The angles of all triangles equals how many degrees?
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How many degres are there in a triangle?

The easiest way to find out how many degrees in any shape is 180*(n-2) where n equals the number of angles in the shape. Thus, triangles have 180 degrees.

How many interior angles are in a triangle?

Triangles have 3 interior angles that measure 180 degrees total.

How many degrees in a isosolese?

Like all triangles, the angles of an iscoceles add up to 180 degrees

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2700⁰/180⁰ = 15 (triangles)So the polygon has 17 sides.

How many degrees are in all triangles?

A triangle has a total of 180o in its three interior angles.

How many degrees must all angles add up to in triangles?

I think it is 180 degrees but I'm not sure:)

How many total degrees of angles does an equilateral triangle have?

All triangles have internal angles summing to 180 degrees. An equilateral triangle has three equal angles, each of which is 180/3 = 60 degrees.

How many triangles exist with the angle measurements 40 25 115?

40° + 25° + 115° = 180°, which is the correct total for the angles (in degrees) of a triangle. There are infinitely many triangles with those angles.

How many degrees does a isosceles triangle have?

all triangles have 180 degrees even isosceles

How many triangle doese it take to make a rhombus?

2 triangles make up a rhombus which has 4 interior angles adding to 360 degrees and a triangles has 3 interior angles add up to 180 degrees. Therefore: 360/180 = 2 triangles

How many degrees are in the sum of the angles in a triangle equal?

A triangle equals to 180 degrees

Triangle with all angles less than ninety?

In plane geometry, all triangles have the sum of the angles to be 180 degrees. So There are many triangles with all the angles less than 90. ( if one angle is more than 90 degrees, then its called 'obtuse' , if all the angles are less than 90, then its called 'Acute' ). Two types of triangles with angles less than 90 degrees are Equalaterial and Isocoles. ( Equalaterial have two equal angles, Isocoles have three equal angles, all 60 degress ). You can think in terms of sets: The subset of Triangles is Acute, The subset of Acute Triangles is Equalateral, The subset of Equalateral Triangles is Isocoles. {Triangles{Obtuse|Acute{Equlaterial{Isocoles