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The question cannot be answered because the point c is undefined.

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Q: The diagonals of a rectangle pqrs intersect each other at o if angle roq equals 40 degree find the measure of angle opc?
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If two lines intersect and make a 121 degree angle what is the other angle's measure?

59 degree

What are the properties of rhombus and rectangle that square has?

Properties of rhombus that square has :- * All sides are equal. Properties of rectangle that square has :- *Each angle is 90 degree. *Diagonals are equal.

Could a rectangle only have two degree angles?

No, a rectangle cannot have any angles that measure 2 degrees.

How many right angle in a rectangle?

4 right angles. A right angle is a 90 Degree measure like for example: L <---- 90 degree measure. And the rectangle has 4 angles like that so it means it has 4 right angles.

What is the measure of the angle of rotation with respect to two lines that intersect to form a 25 degree angle?

50. It is always two times the rotation.

Is a crossed rectangle a rectangle?

crossed rectangle is not a rectangle, rectangle have to have 90 degree angles.

What is the name of the continent or ocean that the two 0 degree lines intersect?

the north pole is the place where the 2 0 degree lines intersect

What are two lines that intersect so that each angle they form measure 90 degrees?

A pair of lines that intersect each other perfectly form 90 degree angles are perpendicular. Anything else is just intersecting lines

What is a line that has two lines and they intersect with each other?

perpendicular if they intersect at a 90 degree angle.

Would parallel lines intersect at a 90 degree angle?

no they are parallel therefore they will never intersect

Do parallels and meridians intersect at right angles?

Yes. They intersect at 90 degree angles.

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