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I quote " The square on the hypotenuse of a rightangled triangle..."

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Q: The dose the Pythagorean Theorem only work on right triangles?
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How many diagonals dose a equilateral triangle?

None. Triangles - whether equilateral or not - do not have diagonals

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In a pyramid, all the faces that go from the base to meet at the apex are triangles, one on each side of the base. For a square base pyramid, there are 4 sides to the base, so there are 4 triangles Be careful with a triangular based pyramid, there are 3 triangles from the base to the apex, but there is also the triangle of the base itself, so there are 4 triangles in a triangular based pyramid.

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Icosahedron are a shape with 20 faces, 30 edges and 12 vertices. All the faces are triangles.

How many corners dose an isosceles triangle have?

all triangles have three corners. An isosceles triangle also has two sides and atwo angles that are equal.

What dose SAS mean?

Side-Angle-Side. It's a means to test for congruence between two triangles. If you can match the length of a side, the measure of the angle between that side and another side, and the length of that second side, then you have proven the triangles to be congruent.

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Does stat dose mean a single dose totally?

This means that you are to start the medication right away.

How many glory seeds do you need to take to get a right dose to trip out?

Between 1 and 3 glory seeds is what you need to take to get a right dose to trip out.

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