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Q: The first quartile of a data set is 52 and the third quartile is 72. Which of these values in the data set is an outlier?
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How The first quartile of a data set is 23 the median is 30 the third quartile is 33 and an outlier is 50. Which of these data values would be represented by a point in a modified box plot?

It is the outlier.

The first quartile of a data set is 23 the median is 30 the third quartile is 33 and an outlier is 50. Which of these data values would be represented by a point in a modified box plot?


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Can the first quartile equal the third quartile?

yes, if all the data is the same number; when the range is zero. * * * * * That is not true. You need 25% of the values to be small, then 50% identical values, followed by 25% large values. Then the lower (first) quartile will be the same as the upper (third) quartile. The inter-quartile range (IQR) will be zero but the overall range can be as large as you like.

How do you find out the width of a box and whisker plot?

The sides of the box are the quartile values: the left is the first quartile and the right is the third quartile. The width, therefore is the interquartile range.

Is the third quartile greater than the first quartile with a data set consisting of 1000 values that are all different?

The value of any element in the third quartile will be greater than the value of any element in the first quartile. But both quartiles will have exactly the same number of elements in them: 250.

What is the difference between the first and third quartile?

The first quartile, or the lower quartile, is the value such that a quarter of the observations are smaller and three quarters are larger.The third quartile, or the upper quartile, is the value such that three quarters of the observations are smaller and a quarter are larger.

What is the interquartile range of a number?

the IQR is the third quartile minus the first quartile.

How do you determine outliers?

One definition of outlier is any data point more than 1.5 interquartile ranges (IQRs) below the first quartile or above the third quartile. Note: The IQR definition given here is widely used but is not the last word in determining whether a given number is an outlier. IQR = 10.5 â?? 3.5 = 7, so 1.5. IQR = 10.5.

How do you calculate first and third quartile?

first quartile (Q1) : Total number of term(N)/4 = Nth term third quartile (Q3): 3 x (N)/4th term