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It is the outlier.

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Q: How The first quartile of a data set is 23 the median is 30 the third quartile is 33 and an outlier is 50. Which of these data values would be represented by a point in a modified box plot?
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The first quartile of a data set is 23 the median is 30 the third quartile is 33 and an outlier is 50. Which of these data values would be represented by a point in a modified box plot?


The first quartile of a data set is 23 the median is 30 the third quartile is 33 and an outlier is 6. Which of these data values would be represented by a point in a modified box plot?


Median or the first quartile is least affected by one value which is significantly higher or lower than the rest?

An outlier.

What is an outlier when finding the median?

an outlier can be found with this formula... Q3-Q1= IQR( inner quartile range) IQR*1.5=x x+Q3= anything higher than this # is an outlier Q1-x= anything smaller than this # is an outlier

Is Median an outlier?

No, median is not an outlier.

What quartile has the same value as the median?

The second quartile.

How does the outlier affect the median?

An outlier can significantly impact the median by pulling it towards the extreme value of the outlier, especially when the dataset is small. This can distort the central tendency measure that the median represents and provide a misleading representation of the typical value in the dataset.

How do you solve a third quartile?

Roughly speaking, finding the third quartile is similar to finding the median. First, use the median to split the data set into two equal halves. Then the third quartile is the median of the upper half. Similarly, the first quartile is the median of the lower half.

How do you determine how the outlier affects the mean median mode and range?

Calculate the mean, median, and range with the outlier, and then again without the outlier. Then find the difference. Mode will be unaffected by an outlier.

What is an outlier in stats?

An outlier, in a set of data, is an observation whose value is distant from other observations. There is no exact definition but one commonly used definition is any value that lies outside of Median ± 3*IQR IQR = Inter-Quartile Range.

How does outlier affect mean median mode?

An outlier pulls the mean towards it. It does not affect the median and only affects the mode if the mode is itself the outlier.

What is the second quartile?

The median