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Q: The half-life of cobalt-60 is 5.3 years. If you start with 10.0 g of cobalt-60 how much will remain after 21.2 years?
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If you start with 60 atoms of uranium - 238 how many remain after 4470000000 years?

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One sixteenth of a gram. 1st halflife- 1/2 gram 2nd, 1/4 3rd 1/8th 4th halflife, 1/16th

How long does it take to make uranium?

The isotope U-238 has a halflife of 4.5 billion years, roughly the current age of the earth. As the sun is expected to consume the earth in about 6 billion years from now, less than 1.5 halflives will have passed by then. Therefore uranium will remain in the environment as long as earth exists, although at slowly decreasing levels.

How do you identify beta decay?

A sample of 187 rhenium decays to 187-omium with halflife of 41.6 billion years. If all 188 osmium are normalized isotopes.

Can you use carbon dating to find out how old something is around 40 years old or newer?

Carbon dating measures the amount of carbon halflives that an object's carbon-14 has seen. A halflife is the amount of time it takes for half of the C-14 present to decay into a different element (N-14). A carbon halflife is 5730 years so you wouldn't be able to tell with such a small amount of time.

An artifact is found that some are claiming is 30000 years old 3.1 percent of the original carbon14 is present The halflife of carbon14 is 5730 year?

Yes, but the dating is only off a little (500 years or so).

What is the halflife of an M16?

Of course, "halflife" is not the correct term to use in this context, so I am supposing that you are asking how long as in "how many years of use" or "how many rounds fired" can you expect an M16 to function. This is also called "service life". The answer depends entirely on how the machine is treated. If it is properly cleaned and has minor parts replaced as they wear and break, the rifle will last for many years and/or many tens of thousands of rounds. You can research the endurance testing that the US Army has employed to determine the tolerance to hard use. "Halflife" refers to radioactive material and is the amount of time required for half of the material to decay.

Will a plastic bottle remain the same in the next 15 years?

will a plastic bottle remain the same in the next fifteen years

When uranium -238 decays to form thorium-234 the uranium nucleus emitts?

Uranium 238 is aan alpha particles emitter: halflife 4,468.109 years, energy 4,270 MeV.

How many years would it take for 3.0 kg tritium to decay to 0.75 kg tritium?

In ordinary water, exactly 0 atoms as Tritium decays too rapidly (halflife 12.26 years) for any that was on earth when it formed (billions of years ago) to remain. In contaminated water, either deliberately or accidentally, it would depend on how much contaminate was added and the tritium concentration in it. Tritium can only be manufactured somewhere there is a high neutron flux (e.g., nuclear reactor or bomb, a star).