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The committee has 3,5, or 29 members.

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Q: The house of repersenetives has 435 members if a committee has a prime number of members and that number is a factor of 435 then how many members can be on the committee?
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How many members of an HOA architectural committee NJ?

The number of members on an HOA architectural committee in New Jersey can vary. Some committees may have 3-5 members, while others may have more or less depending on the specific HOA's bylaws and requirements. It is best to consult the HOA's governing documents to determine the exact number of members on the architectural committee.

The House of represenitives has 435 members so if a committee has a prime number of members and that number is a foctor of 435 then how many members can be on the committeee?

3, 5 or 29

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Which individuals make up the joint committee of the Senate?

The joint committee of the Senate is made up of members from both the Senate and the House of Representatives. It consists of senators and representatives who are appointed by their respective party leaders. The number of members from each chamber can vary depending on the specific committee.

How are the numbers of republican and democrats on each committee decided?

The number of republicans and democrats on each committee are decided by the majority party. The party with more senators or representatives has more members on each committee.

What is the creaties common factor?

The greatest common factor, or GCF, is the largest number that will divide evenly with no remainder into all the members of a given set of numbers.

Which of the following committees is exceptional in always having an equal number of Republican and Democrat members?

According to AM Gov 2012 textbook: "Committees that deal with the ethical behavior of members, such as the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct in the House and the Senate's Select Committee on Ethics, are exceptions to these rules, containing equal numbers of Republicans and Democrats."

What is the GCF or greatest common factor?

The greatest common factor, or GCF, is the largest number that can be divided evenly with no remainder into all the members of a given set of numbers.

What does it mean to 'discharge a bill from congress'?

At full committee meetings, reports on bills may be made by subcommittees. Bills are read for amendment in committees by section and members may offer germane amendments. Committee amendments are only proposals to change the bill as introduced and are subject to acceptance or rejection by the House itself. A vote of committee members is taken to determine whether the full committee will report the bill favorably, adversely, or without recommendation. If the committee votes to report the bill favorably to the House, it may report the bill without amendments or may introduce and report a "clean bill". Committees may authorize the chairman to postpone votes in certain circumstances. If the committee has approved extensive amendments, the committee may decide to report the original bill with one "amendment in the nature of a substitute" consisting of all the amendments previously adopted, or may report a new bill incorporating those amendments, commonly known as a clean bill. The new bill is introduced (usually by the chairman of the committee), and, after referral back to the committee, is reported favorably to the House by the committee. A committee may table a bill or not take action on it, thereby preventing further action on a bill. This makes adverse reports or reports without recommendation to the House by a committee unusual. The House also has the ability to discharge a bill from committee. Generally, a majority of the committee or subcommittee constitutes a quorum. A quorum is the number of members who must be present in order for the committee to report. This ensures participation by both sides in the action taken. However, a committee may vary the number of members necessary for a quorum for certain actions. For example, a committee may fix the number of its members, but not less than two, necessary for a quorum for taking testimony and receiving evidence. Except for the Committees on Appropriations, the Budget, and Ways and Means, a committee may fix the number of its members, but not less than one-third, necessary for a quorum for taking certain other actions. The absence of a quorum is subject to a point of order, an objection that the proceedings are in violation of a rule of the committee or of the House, because the required number of members are not present. Or you can also use this. The committee can return a bill to the full Senate in its original from or with amendments. It also can "table" a bill--not take any action on it. Tabling a bill can kill the bill, since it will likely never get to the Senate floor. However, any senator can ask that a tabled bill be discharged (released) from the committee. If a majority of the Senate votes to have the bill discharged from committee, it is placed on the calendar for debate.

How many Vultures are in a committee?

There is no specific number of vultures in a committee. A committee of vultures is just a group of vultures.

How many people are in the National right of life committee?

The National Right to Life Committee is a grassroots organization with chapters in all 50 states and over 3,000 local chapters. It is estimated to have thousands of members nationwide, but an exact number is not readily available.

How can you test to determine if a factor is a factor of another number?

Divide the factor into the number. If the answer is a whole number, the factor is a factor.