The number of republicans and democrats on each committee are decided by the majority party. The party with more senators or representatives has more members on each committee.
According to AM Gov 2012 textbook: "Committees that deal with the ethical behavior of members, such as the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct in the House and the Senate's Select Committee on Ethics, are exceptions to these rules, containing equal numbers of Republicans and Democrats."
The Washington Post puts the numbers at 53 for the democrats and 46 for the republicans (11-5-2010).
Ron Paul is a Libertarian, but is running as a Republican in the 2012 presidential race. He attracts large numbers of Independents, Democrats, and numerous Conservative Republicans. He has the largest grassroots base of an presidential candidate, and has received six times as much donation money from active duty military than all other Republican candidates combined. His stances are based on conservative principles.
it used to be decided by the police but now tfl chooses random numbers
The numbers are where they are because the person who made the thermometer scale decided which numbers go where.
A moderate can be a Democrat, Republican, 3rd party, or independent. They are also called "Centrists". Conservatives (mostly Republican) tend to be what is called "right of center" . Liberals (mainly Democrats) are generally "left of center". The vast majority of Americans are moderates, and want the country governed from the middle. Not too far right, or too far left. Politically, moderate politicians are important as they keep the government from going too far left or right, and more towards the middle, where the majority want it. In the public sector, moderates are important because they have the numbers, and control the elections. Most moderate Democrats will note for a moderate Republican over a liberal Democrat, just as most moderate Republicans will vote for a moderate Democrat over a far right conservative Republican.
The numbers come from how many total representatives are in the state and the two senators.
party activists, whose political participation is disproportionate to their numbers, tend to be very conservative
It's easier to answer the question by how many years have the Republicans controlled both houses since 1950...the answer...only four...and two of those four the majority in the Senate was 51-49, a razor thin and actually Democrat controlled since at least four Republican senators were liberal in voting.
the decimal point came from the middle ages. before - was printed a man decided to place a point in between two numbers then decided to call it the decimal.
party activists, whose political participation is disproportionate to their numbers, tend to be very conservative
Well, let's look at a few key social issues: Slavery: Republican Party was formed in 1854 in Jackson, MI with a primary purpose to abolish slavery. 6 years later Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican elected President. When it was finally abolished in 1864, Republicans were near unanimous in voting to abolish, while a majority of Democrats voted to uphold slavery laws. Civil Rights: Republicans proposed a Civil Rights Act multiple times in the 1950s and early 1960s, supporting the Civil Rights movement and its purposes, but the Demcrat controlled Congress always shot it down. It wasn't until 1964 that just enough Democrats came to their senses to support the originally Republican bill. Ever since the Democrats have claimed this Act as their own, but it was always much more widely supported by Republicans. It took a mighty nonviolent movement led by MLK Jr. for Democrats to wake up and smell the coffee. Abortion: Republicans & Democrats have contrasting opinions as to which is better: the freedom to choose i.e. liberty, or the freedom to live i.e. life. What is more important? Life, Liberty or the pursuit of happiness? All 3 are important and should be protected. But without life, there is no liberty to be had. Some liberty must be limited when it takes away the life of an innocent human life, called a fetus by scientists. Without liberty one cannot pursue happiness so the the 3 are linked but are also in order. Life is #1, Liberty is #2, and the Pursuit of Happiness is #3. Serving the Poor in the US and Abroad: The Democrats once had the upperhand during the Depression of the 1930s with the creation of many social programs under the leadership of FDR and other key Democrats. Republicans have come a long way and based on the numbers, Republican congresses and presidents have given more $/year to serve the poor in the US and abroad in the 1980s - Present, including the presidencies of both Bushs and Reagan. Just ask the One Campaign for stats on Clinton's presidency vs. Bush's presidency. Hope this helps. Sincerely, Mike - Ypsilanti, MI