Copernicus knew that his theory would be controversial so he had it published after he was dead. The book started out as kind of a secret only for those people serious enough to read that sort of stuff. Then people started making it more and more publish until it came to the attention of the church. Bruno got himself burned at the stake over it, Galileo got himself publically censored and under house arrest for the rest of his life. After Galileo it remained controversial but the opinions were constantly going against the church. In the mid 1970's the Catholic church finally retracted its defiance.
yes he did
No, he is not associated with the corp.
the people wouldnt have a way 2 look at small things without anton van leeuwenhoeks lenses and his descovery
Aluminum was discovered by Hans Christian Oersted in 1825 in Denmark.
My brother. Yes! He's 11 and he's been making slime for a few weeks and he has Descovered something. he made clay with no bad smell =)) no seriously..
Also known as the founder of modern astronomy, Nicolaus Copernicus was the first His work forever changed the place of man in the cosmos; no longer could man, astronomers who came to Copernicus to learn more about his new theory.
It was not a government. It was Roman civil law through the re-descovery of the Coirpus Iuris Civilis aka Justian Code, a masive comeendium of Roman civil lae
Copernicus's ideas about the Sun being the center of the solar system were gradually accepted after the publication of his book "De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium" in 1543. It took several decades for his heliocentric model to become widely recognized and accepted by the scientific community.
Agenda setting: Scientists raise awareness about ozone layer destruction through research and data analysis. Policy formulation: Policymakers use this scientific information to create policies aimed at addressing the issue, such as the Montreal Protocol. Implementation: Governments work to enforce regulations to reduce ozone-depleting substances. Evaluation: Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of these policies in protecting the ozone layer over time.
what is impact
We're not going to write an essay for you. That's cheating and it's wrong. However, we will be happy to answer any individual questions you may have that will help YOU write your own essay. We need to know what discoveries you're talking about, though...