

The inverse of the square root 16?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: The inverse of the square root 16?
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The inverse operation of taking the square root is to calculate the square.

Inverse operation of a square?

Square root is the inverse operation of a square.

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A square root and its opposite?

The opposite (or inverse function) of the square root would be the square.

What is the inverse function of xx?

XX or X*X, can be written as X squared. The inverse of a function "sort of cancels it out". I know the inverse of a square is the square root. Since we need the inverse of X squared, it's inverse is the square root of X. sqrt(x)

What is the inverse of the square root of 36?

The square of the square root of 36. Which can also be stated as the square of 6.

What is the inverse of a number being squared?

The inverse operation is to take a square root.

What is the inverse of a squaring a number?

The inverse of x2 is x-2.

What square is nine of eighty one?

9 is the square ROOT of 81. Calculating a square root is the inverse operation of squaring a number.

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How does inverse function work?

Let's illustrate with an example. The square function takes a number as its input, and returns the square of a number. The opposite (inverse) function is the square root (input: any non-negative number; output: the square root). For example, the square of 3 is 9; the square root of 9 is 3. The idea, then, is that if you apply first a function, then its inverse, you get the original number back.

What is it called when you do the opposite operation such as add and substract?

It is called the "inverse" operation. (*The term inverse is specifically used for multiplication and division, where the inverse of x is 1/x.) Inverse operations: addition / subtraction multiplication/ division square / square root cube / cube root