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coefficient of variation

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Q: The measure of dispersion most affected by one extreme value is the?
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Is the range a measure of dispersion that is the least sensitive to extreme value of the data set?

the range is the total number of values your set can take. If you take all the number from 5 to 25. Your range is 5-25.

Which of measure of location is affect most by extreme value?


What are measures of dispersion in healthcare?

It's a statistical tool used in psychology. A simple way of calculating the measure of dispersion is to calculate the range. The range is the difference between the smallest and largest value in a set of scores. This is a fairly crude measure of dispersion as any one high or low scale can distort the data. A more sophisticated measure of dispersion is the standard deviation which tells you how much on average scores differ from the mean.

How extreme value affect mean?

An extreme value will drag the mean value towards it.

What is the roll of p-value in regression analysis?

It is a measure of how likely the observed values (or those more extreme) are under the assumptions of the regression model.

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What is the difference between absolute dispersion and relative dispersion in statistics?

Absolute dispersion usually refers to the standard deviation, a measure of variation from the mean, the units of st. dev. are the same as for the data. Relative dispersion, sometimes called the coefficient of variation, is the result of dividing the st. dev. by the mean, hence it is dimensionless (it may also be presented as a percentage). So a low value of relative dispersion usually implies that the st. dev. is small in comparison to the magnitude of the mean, as in a st. dev. of 6cm for a mean of 4m would give a figure of 0.015 (1.5%) whereas with a mean of 40cm it would be 0.15 or 15%. However with measurements either side of zero and a mean close to zero the relative dispersion could be greater than 1. As is usual, interpret with caution.

What is a range of math?

If you are referring to "range" in statistics, a range is a measure of dispersion that uses the difference in the highest value in a set of data and the lowest value in the same set of data. For example, if you have five grades on a test (89, 100, 85, 70, and 92), the range would be 100-70 = 30. Hope this helps!

Absolute value is a measure of?

Absolute value is a measure of distance.

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What is an extreme value in a set?

the maximum or minimum value of a continuous function on a set.

How did inflation affected the Roman Empire?

inflation happens when money loses its value and it affected the Roman Empire.