

Best Answer

1/100000000 femto 1/10000000 atto

1/1000000 pico

1/100000 nano

1/10000 micro

1/1000 milli

1/100 cent

1/10 deci

1 mono, uni

2 bi, duo

3 tri

4 quad

5 pent, quint

6 hex

7 hept, sept

8 oct

9 non

10 deca

* * * * *

The first five prefices are all incorrect, as well as their order. femto = 10-15, atto = 10-18, pico = 10-12, nano = 10-9 and micro = 10-6.

However, the question is about the prefices for 1 to 10:

1 = uni (or sometimes un)

2 = di (or bi, duo)

3 = tri

4 = tetra or quadri

5 = penta

6 = hexa

7 = hepta (not septa)

8 = octa

9 = nona

10 = deca

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