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Q: The relationship between figures having the same shape and same size?
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Related questions

What is confident figure?

The figures which are having exactly same size and shape are termed as convenient figures

Having the same shape but not the same size?

Similar figures.

Having same size and shape?

If two geometrical figures have the same size and shape, they are said to be congruent.

What is the relationship between shape and mass?

Besides the fact that a mass needs to have some sort of shape there is no relationship.

What is the difference between similar and congruent?

Congruent means two figures have exactly the same shape and size. If the shape is identical, but not the size , two figures are similar.

Is there a relationship between a solid and a prism?

yes, there is. a prism can be defined as a solid shape and a solid is a a 3d shape which example can be a prism therefore there is a relationship.

What is the relationship between the number of sides and number of vertices in a shape?

relationship between the number of sides of afigure and the number of vertices

1What is the difference between congruent and similar?

Two congruent geometric figures have the same shape and the same size, whereas two similar geometric figures have the same shape but they differ in size.

What are pairs of figures of congruent?

Any two figures, polygonal or not, that are the same shape and size. Any two figures, polygonal or not, that are the same shape and size. Any two figures, polygonal or not, that are the same shape and size. Any two figures, polygonal or not, that are the same shape and size.

Figures with the same shape?

Are similar figures.

What is the relationship between vertices faces and edges of a 3D shape?

they connect the shape together It all belongs to one shape

Do similar figures have the same shape and size?

Similar means that the figures are the same shape yet not the same size. If the figures are the exact same size and shape, then they are congruent.