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Assuming that neither of the given sides is the hypotenuse, then if A is one of the acute angles, tan(A) = 19/63

So A = arctan(19/63) = 16.8 degrees. The other acute angle is 73.2 deg.

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Q: The two sides of a right triangle are of length 19 and 63 What is the measure of either of the acute angles in degrees?
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How do you find the angle measurements of a triangle if you have all the side lengths- which SOH CAH TOA do i use?

with all the sides, you could use any, use SOH :( sin of angle = opposite / hypotonuse)assuming its a right angle triangle, then select either of the (non right angle) angles, divide the length of the side opposite this angle by the length of the hypotonuse ( longest side, opposite the right angle), then find the inverse SIN of this number on your calculator, this is the angle. Since total internal angles always = 180 degrees, and right angle = 90 degrees then final angle is calculated angle subtracted from 90 degrees.

What is the meaning of trigonometry?

The word trigonometry comes from two Greek words, trigonon, meaning triangle, and metria, meaning measurement. This is the branch of mathematics that deals with the ratios between the sides of right triangles with reference to either of its acute angles and enables you to use this information to find unknown sides or angles of any triangle. Trigonometry is not just an intellectual exercise, but has uses in the fields of engineering, surveying, navigation, archicecture, and even rocket science.

How do surveyors use trigonometry?

If you know two sides of a triangle, trig lets you find the third. So if you want to know the distance across a lake, measure two lines along the side of the lake such that they form a triangle with the line across the lake, and you can find the distance across. You can also find one side if you know one side and the angles at either end. This can be used to find the heights of objects - you know the angle it makes to the ground, how far you are from it, and what angle you have to look at to see the top.

When doing trigonometry for example the cosine rule how do you know which side is a which side is b and which side is c if none of them are marked on and neither are the angles?

It's possible that either the angles or sides are labeled according to length or size.

How do you figure out square footage of a triangle?

simply add another same size triangle to the other one only upside down. Then you'll have either a square or rectangle. multiply length by width and divide by two.

Related questions

If the measure of one angle of an isosceles triangle is 92 degrees what is the measure of either of the remaining angles?

44 degrees

How many do all triangles measure?

I'm pretty sure all triangles measure 180 degrees because they have three angles that are either acute, right, or obtuse angles and the triangle has to be either an equilateral, iscoceles, or scalene triangle.

What is the measure of each angle of an isosceles triangle if the measure of the third angle is 7 times the measure of either of the two base angles?

The angles are 140 degrees, 20 degrees and 20 degrees that add up to 180 degrees

If the measure of one angle of an isosceles triangle is what is the measure of either of the remaining angles?


What are the angle classifications of a triangle?

The question "What are the classifications of a triangle" is answered elsewhere. The angles in a triangle can be either an obtuse >90 degrees, an acute <90 degrees, or a rectal = 90 degrees

If the measure of one angle of an isosceles triangle is 92 what is the measure of either of the remaining angles?

es 44

How can you tell if three numbers equal a right triangle?

A right triangle is a triangle that has one 90 degree angle, and 2 other angles. Some special ones are 45-45-90, and 30-60-90. The sum of the angles in a triangle will always = 180 degrees. Since we know a triangle has 3 angles, and in particular, a right triangle has a 90 degree angle. We can say 180 degrees - 90 degrees = the other 2 angles. Add the other 2 angles in your triangle. Usually one is given as 90 degrees, or has a small square mark in the corner of the triangle to indicate that it is a right triangle. Once you add the other 2 angles, see if they add up to 90 degrees. If they do, you have a right triangle. If they do not, you either do not have a right triangle OR your triangle is broken and all 3 angles do not add up to 180 degrees.

How many acute angles are there in a triangle?

There may be either 2 or 3.If there are only 2, the third angle is equal to or greater than 90 degrees.(the sum of the three angles must equal 180 degrees)If there are 3, the triangle is called an acute triangle.

The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the measure of either remote interior angle?

No. The sum of the other two interior angles.

How many obtuse dose a triangle have?

A triangle can have either zero or one obtuse angles, but no more than that. An obtuse angle is one that is greater than 90 degrees. The interior angles of a triangle always add up to 180.

If an isosceles triangle has one of its angles fifty degrees what will the others be?

Either both 65o or one of 50o and one of 80o.

If two angles of a triangle are acute then the third angle must be?

It can be either acute or obtuse. An acute angle is less than 90 degrees and all 3 angles add to 180 degrees. For example, If two angles are 60 degrees (acute) then the 3rd is 60 degrees (acute). If two angles are 30 degrees (acute) the 3rd is 120 degrees (obtuse).