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If the sides of the top and base of the pyramidal frustum are 3 and 8 metres units then the radius of the cylinder is 3.2081 metres.

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Q: The volume and the height of a cylinder is equal to the volume and height of the frustum of square pyramid whose upper side is 3 meters and lower side is 8 meters. Compute the radius of the base of?
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How do you find the volume of a frustum?

If it is the frustum of a pyramid: The volume of a pyramid (with a square base) is: Length_of_base * Width_of_base * Height * 1/3 To get the volume of the frustum, subtract the volume of the top part (also a pyramid) from the full volume. <><><><> frustum of a cone the formula is (h*pi)/3*(r1^2+r2^2+r1*r2) this is where h = height r1= top radius r2=bottom radius

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To find the perpendicular height of a square pyramid, first compute for the volume of the pyramid. Then divide the volume by the area of the base to find pyramid's height.

If the base of a pyramid is 20 how tall is it?

This question cannot be answered. We need the volume or the surface area of the pyramid to compute the height. The base alone is not enough. Unless the pyramid has all equal sides or something.

How do you find height given density mass and radius?

You cannot since you have no information regarding the shape. It could be a cylinder, a cone, a frustum, or one of many other possible shapes.

Find the volume of a frustum of a right pyramid whose lower base is a square with a side 5 in whose upper base is a square with a side 3 in?

The Answers community requested more information for this question. Please edit your question to include more context. I order to calculate the volume it is necessary to have some information of the height. This can be the height of the frustum, the eight of the whole pyramid, the angle of the sloped faces.

How are the volumes of right pyramid and right cone related to the volume of a right prism and right cylinder?

The volume of the pyramid and cone is one third the volume of the corresponding (ie same [size] base and height) prism and cylinder.

What is the square inches of a cylindrical ring?

Diameter multiplied by pi multiplied by the height is the area of a cylinder. If your looking for a cylindrical ring, like a dougnut, then compute the area of the smaller cylinder (the hole) and subtract this from the area of the larger cylinder (the doughy goodness)

How do you find the volume of a cylinder.?

For a cylinder, the cross section is a circle, so the area will be pi r2 (r is the radius of the cylinder). The volume therefore will be V = pi r2h where h is the height of the cylinder.

What is the word for a three-dimensional object with height width and depth?

The answer is in the question it is a 3D object such as a pyramid, a cone, a cylinder, a cuboid ... etc

How do you make a layout of a frustum of a hollow cone?

top & bottom diameters are given in a frstom & height is given.

What is the height of the triangular faces of a pyramid called?

The height of the triangular face of a pyramid is called the slant height.

Solid mensuration cylinder problems with solution?

find the volume & total surface of a square pyramid, the side of the base being 4meters & height 5meters