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The word round in maths means to find the nearest value of a number.

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Q: The word round in math means to find the nearest value of a number based on a given place value how else is round used in math?
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What does nearest litre mean?

It means that a number that is nearest one

Does rounding to the nearest whole number mean rounding to the nearest hundred?

No, it means rounding to the nearest whole number.The nearest whole number is the nearest one .The nearest whole number to 1.9 is 2 .So the nearest whole number to 1,624,381.9 is 1,624,382 .

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What is the difference between rounding-off to the nearest whole number and rounding-off to the nearest ones?

Im not sure actually. But rounding to the nearest number means its easier probably.

What does the nearest integer mean?

It means the whole number that's nearest to the decimal you're holding in your hand.

What is the nearest whole number to -3.7?

A whole number can refer to all integers, including the opposites of natural numbers. This means the nearest whole number to -3.7 will be -4

How do you round 409 to the nearest ten?

The answer is 410. Rounding "to the nearest ten" means turning a number into the nearest number that can be divided by ten. This is the same as the nearest number that ends in a zero. 409 is nearer to 410 than to 400 or 420 or any other number ending in a zero.

879.049 to the nearest tens?

7 is in the tens column, but the 9 of 879 means that the nearest number is going to be 880.

What does Round to the nearest whole percent means?

It means that the result of your calculation will be a percentage which may not be a whole number and you need to round to the nearest whole number. Use the normal rounding. eg 36.4% to the nearest whole percent is 36% eg 25.74568567% to the nearest whole percent is 26% eg 10% to the nearest whole percent is 10%

What does estimating sums mean?

It means to round a number to the nearest whole number, tens, hundreds, etc.

What word means a number more than half the total number of a given group?

the majority is the number more than half the total number of a given group.

What is 682 rounded nearest ten?

680. When you round a number it means to make it to the nearest of what is asked. Ie. Rounding 8 to the nearest 10 would be 10. Rounding 1249 to the nearest 1000 would be 1000.