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Q: True or false A pyramid has two parallel bases that are connect by lateral faces?
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Does a pyramid have at least two congruent parallel bases?

Not true. They have only one base and several (3 or more) lateral triangular faces. A pyramid has a single vertex over a base - there are no parallel faces in any pyramid.

What has parallel congruent bases and lateral surfaces that are parellelograms?

A rectangular prism has congruent bases and parallelograms as lateral surfaces.

Does a pyramid have two congruent parallel bases?


Does a octagonal prism have parallel faces?

Usually, a pair of parallel bases and four pairs of parallel lateral faces.

Does a triangular pyramid have congruent parallel bases?

no dummy

What is a solid with lateral surfaces that are parallelograms and two parallel bases?

A Prism

What is the face of a prism or pyramid that is not the base?

Lateral Face - In a prism, the faces that are not bases. In a pyramid, faces that intersect at the vertex.

Does a pyramid have 2 congruent parallel bases?

No, a pyramid has 1 base, you are thinking of a cylinder.

Has 2 equaland parallel circular bases with a lateral curve surface?

A cylinder

What is a solid with two parallel bases that are congruent polygons and the lateral faces are parallelograms?

A prism.

How geometric pyramids and prisms are different?

the difference between a pyramid and prism (in geometry) is that a pyramid has one base and lateral faces that are triangles where prisms have two congruent bases and lateral faces that are parallelograms

Does a cylinder have perpendicular edges?

An edge is a segment that is the intersection of two faces. A cylinder has two parallel bases bounded by congruent circles, and a curved lateral surface which connect the circles. Therefore, a cylinder does not have an edge.