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Q: True or false Because points have no length width or height they can be used to represent abstract concepts like exact locations and instances in time?
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Because points have no size they can be used to describe abstract true or false concepts like exact locations and instances in time?


Can points be used to represent abstract concepts?

Yes they can.

What is the definition of abstract language?

Abstract language are words that represent ideas, intangibles, and concepts. examples: beauty, truth.

Why is symbolism important in a religion?

It is easier to teach and instill abstract concepts when you can represent them to the senses in various ways.

Are industry and agriculture abstract nouns?

Industry may be an abstract noun (diligence, enthusiasm). Industry (commerce) and agriculture are activity nouns like construction. They represent things that are being done, and include things that can be observed. They are not concrete, but they do not represent abstract concepts.

In what way do ancient myths often use personification?

humanlike gods represent abstract concepts and natural phenomena

How do models help the understanding of abstract concepts?

models help the understanding of abstract concepts.

Is opinion an abstract noun?

Yes, the noun 'opinion' is an abstract noun, a word for a concept. An opinion can be stated in a message that is read, or heard, but it is an intangible attribute of the message. Similarly, knowledge and information are abstract nouns because they represent intangible concepts.

What does a slope of a velocity time graph represent?

It's numerically equal to the magnitude of the acceleration. It represents the victory of human intelligence over abstract mathematical concepts.

What does the slope on the velocity time graph represent?

It's numerically equal to the magnitude of the acceleration. It represents the victory of human intelligence over abstract mathematical concepts.

Why is it hard to define abstract terms?

Abstract terms can be difficult to define because they often represent complex ideas or concepts that do not have a clear, concrete representation. Since abstract terms can vary in meaning depending on context or individual interpretation, defining them in a precise and universally accepted manner can be challenging. Additionally, abstract concepts may be subjective and open to different perspectives, making them more elusive to pin down in a concise definition.

Formal Operational (11+yo)?

Use of symbols to relate to abstract concepts. Able to make hypotheses and grasp abstract concepts and relationships.