

Turn the number 8 into a fraction?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Turn the number 8 into a fraction?
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What is the fraction for 8?

Anytime you want to turn a whole number into a fraction, simply place it over 1. Thus 8 as a fraction is 8/1.

How do you turn 0.8 into a fraction or mixed number?

fraction - 8/10 or 4/5, mixed number/fraction - 1 1/5

How do you rename a mixed number to a fraction?

To rename a mixed number to a fraction, you multiply the number outside the fraction by the denominator (the lower part of the fraction), and then you add that number to the numerator (higher number of the fraction). If you need to turn 2 3/4 into a fraction, you do this: 2*4=8, 8+3=11, so 2 3/4=11/4 as an improper fraction.

Turn a mixed number into a improper fraction?

A mixed number is an integer and a fraction. For example 5 7/8. Simply multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction, then add the numerator of the fraction and put the answer over the denominator. For example 5 7/8 = ((5x8)+7)/8 = 47/8. 10 2/3 = 32/3.

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How do you turn a fraction into a improper fraction?

You divide the bottom number by the top number

How do you change a decimal to a whole number?

you turn the decimal into a fraction then you turn the fraction into a whole number and add a percent sign

How do you multiply mixed fractions with a fraction?

You turn the mixed number into an improper fraction. Say, if you had 1 and 1/4, you would turn it into 5/4. 5 1 5 - * - = - 4 2 8

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What is the fraction 51 over 8 as a mixed number?

The fraction 51 over 8 as a mixed number is 63/8

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