The answer can be another fraction and a whole number or it can be a whole number.
Decimal percentage, move the decimal point to the right two places, and then add a percentage sign; fraction into percentage, you can first turn the fraction into a decimal, and then turn the fraction into a percentage, or you can turn the fraction into a fraction whose denominator is 100, and directly rewrite it into a percentage!
The numerator of the fraction is multiplied by the whole number.
It is the first whole number divided by the denominator of the unit fraction. This could be a whole number or a fraction.
13% is a fraction and you cannot represent it as a whole number. You can convert it to a whole number by adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing (or other operations) but that would not be the same number then.
you turn the decimal into a fraction then you turn the fraction into a whole number and add a percent sign
If every fraction could be turned into a whole number, then we could just get rid of fractions and everybody in school would be happy. We have fractions because we need them. Usually, you can't turn a fraction into a whole number.
if you can divide whole numbers, turn the fraction into a whole number by finding its equivalent and replacing the fraction with that equivalent. Then divide the new number which should be whole and you have your answer.
First you have to multiply the whole number with the top number in your fraction. REMEMBER TO KEEP THE BOTTOM NUMBER THE SAME!!!!! Your number will be an irregular fraction.
turn both fractions into decimals and then multiply!
multiply the denominator by the whole number then add the numerator and you have an improper fraction
turn the whole number into an inproper fraction by doing this: multiply it by the denominator of the fraction.that answer is your numerator make the fractions denominator the whole number's denominator.then subtract just the should have an improper fraction as your final answer, so turn that into a mixed number.
The answer can be another fraction and a whole number or it can be a whole number.
If the fraction's numerator is greater than its denominator, then it already is an improper fraction. If its numerator is smaller than its denominator, then there's nothing you can do to it to turn it into an improper fraction.
Decimal percentage, move the decimal point to the right two places, and then add a percentage sign; fraction into percentage, you can first turn the fraction into a decimal, and then turn the fraction into a percentage, or you can turn the fraction into a fraction whose denominator is 100, and directly rewrite it into a percentage!
multiply the denominator by the whole number, then add the numerator. then simplify the fraction as usual
You can make any whole number into a fraction by putting it over 1.