

Twelve minutes is what in hours?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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12 minutes is .2 hours

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Q: Twelve minutes is what in hours?
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What hours is one hour and twelve minutes?

1.2 hours

How many minutes are there in twelve hours?

720 minutes and there is 1440 minutes in a day or 24 hours if u wanna say that.

What is twelve hours converted into minutes?

12x60 is 720 mins

How many hours is twelve pm to ten thirty pm?

10 hours and 30 minutes.

What is 12 hours and 50 minutes in minutes?

Twelve hours and 50 minutes is: 12 hours X 60 minutes in one hour plus 50 minutes 12 X 60 = 720 720 + 50 = 770 minutes

Fifteen hours and thirty minutes times twelve?

Convert everything to hours, or everything to minutes, then multiply. In this case, it is easier to convert everything to hours - 15h30m = 15.5 hours.

How many seconds are in twelve hours and nine minutes?

Multiply the number of hours by 3600, and the number of minutes by 60. Then add everything up.

How many hours and minutes is 800 1200 1230 430?

8:00am is eight hours, 8:00pm is twenty hours (20:00). 12:00am is zero hours (00:00), 12:00pm is twelve hours. 12:30am is thirty minutes (00:30), 12:30pm is twelve hours and thirty minutes. 4:30am is four hours and thirty minutes, 4:30pm is sixteen hours and thirty minutes (16:30).

What is the time difference between 8.36pm and 4.48am?

eight hours & twelve minutes

How many hours are in 192 minute?

60 minutes in 1 hour, so 60 x 192 minutes in 192 hours. Answer : 11 520 minutes.

How long does it take the hour hand to maove1 degrees?

The hour hand takes twelve hours for a complete circle, 360 degrees. Twelve hours is 12x60 minutes = 720 minutes. If 360 degrees takes 720 minutes, 1 degree takes 720 divided by 360. 720/360 = 2 minutes.

If Lawrence walked twelve miles in 6 hours at a steady pace how far did he walk in thirty minutes?

If Lawrence walked twelve miles in six hours, he was walking two miles per hour. In 30 minutes he would have walked one mile.