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A right prism.

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Q: Two congurent polygons as bases and all other faces an rectangles?
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A solid figure that has two congruent polygons as bases and laterall faces that are rectangles?


What solid figure with two congruent polygons that are bases connected with lateral faces that are rectangles?

They are prisms.

What is A figure that has two congruent polygons as bases and all other faces are rectangles?

that would be a prism

What is a solid firgure with two congruent polygons that are bases connected with lateral faces that are rectangles?

It is called a prism.

What is the name given to a figure with two bases that are congruent parallel polygons and six lateral faces that are rectangles?

hexagonal prism

What is a solid figure has two congruent polygons as bases and lateral faces that a rectangles called?

A triangular prism or a cuboid as it seems would fit the given description

What makes a prism?

In its most generalised form it comprises two connected, congruent and parallel faces: these faces are called the bases. In a right prism, the bases are at right angles to the length of the prism. In a polyhedral prism, all faces are polygons and, in such a case, the faces joining the bases are quadrilaterals. In the very special case of a right polyhedral prism, the bases are polygons and the lateral faces are rectangles.

Why aren't cylinders and cones and spheres polygons?

polygons have faces and cylinders and cone and spheres only has bases not faces.

A solid with polygons for bases and parallelograms for faces is?

a prism

What shape has pentagons as bases and rectangles as faces?


You are a polyhedron you are a prism your two bases are rectangles your other faces are rectangles What are you?

a rectangular prism

What 3D figure have polygons for bases?

Many 3-d figures can have polygons for bases. If all ist faces are polygons then it is a polyhedron but it is possible to have 3-d figures with a polygonal base and non-polygonal faces.