

Best Answer

let the distanncccee covered by both be 'S' km.

And time taken by A be 'x' min..

therefore time taken by B is 'x+6' min.






distance can not be negetive, so


i.e, distance travelled is 30 km.

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Q: Two persons A and B starts running a certain distance at 8 and 10 kmph respectively B reaches the destination 6 mins earlier what is the distance?
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How long did it take the radio message sent from Arecibo in 1974 to overtake the pioneer spacecraft traveling at a speed of 10 kilometers per second which had been launched 2 years earlier in 1972?

Calculate the distance the spacecraft traveled, with the formula: distance = speed x time Then divide that distance by the speed of light, since radio waves travel at the speed of light. You may have to do some unit conversions for both parts of the calculation.

When you have a number of options is it more correct to write the earlier of or the earliest of?

earlier for two options (which is actually one option!), earliest for more than two options.

What is the probability that your amazon package comes sooner than expected?

The answer will depend on how soon YOU expect it to arrive! If you think that it will take 5 minutes after you complete the transaction, the probability that it arrives earlier is 0 whereas if you expect it to take 5 moths, the probability that it arrives earlier is 1.The answer will depend on how soon YOU expect it to arrive! If you think that it will take 5 minutes after you complete the transaction, the probability that it arrives earlier is 0 whereas if you expect it to take 5 moths, the probability that it arrives earlier is 1.The answer will depend on how soon YOU expect it to arrive! If you think that it will take 5 minutes after you complete the transaction, the probability that it arrives earlier is 0 whereas if you expect it to take 5 moths, the probability that it arrives earlier is 1.The answer will depend on how soon YOU expect it to arrive! If you think that it will take 5 minutes after you complete the transaction, the probability that it arrives earlier is 0 whereas if you expect it to take 5 moths, the probability that it arrives earlier is 1.

What is the comparative and superlative adverbs of early?

earlier, earliest

How do you calculate the distance of lightning?

If you see the flash and then count the number of seconds until the thunder. Take the speed of sound at 340.29 m/s = 0.211 miles per second. A good estimate is for every 5 seconds of delay equals 1 mile away. I answered a question similar to this one, earlier today.

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This depends on destination, pickup times, etc., but it probably willIn my experience, taking a letter to the post office gets it to its destination a day earlier than sending it from my mailbox. And getting the letter in earlier in the day can shave a day off delivery, too, but not always. There's no difference between the post office and the blue boxes as long as you beat their pickup times. If you check those blue mailboxes, you'll see they have a schedule on them that tells you what the various pickup times are. If you post your letter in time for one of the earlier pickup times, it should start going through the system sooner and could arrive at its destination sooner. If you miss the pickup time, you can be sure it will get there later.But it depends on where it's going. The mail gets sorted throughout the day depending on destination. Getting your mail in half an hour earlier will probably not get it to its destination any sooner, unless it happens to beat a cut off time for pickups.Once the mail is bar coded, it is automatically sorted into destination postal stations. Items for local delivery are retained in the postal station while other items are trucked to either the appropriate station if it is within approximately 200 miles, or the airport for transport to more distant destinations. Mail is flown, usually as baggage on commercial airlines, to the airport nearest the destination station, then at a nearby processing center the mail is once again read by a Delivery Bar Code System which sorts the items into their local destinations, including grouping them by individual mail carrier.

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