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If two six sided fair dice are rolled, the sum of the result of both dice that has the

lowest probability to come up is 2 and 12. P(2) = 1/36. P(12) = 1/36.

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Q: Two six sided dice are rolled which number has the lowest probability of being rolled?
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Assuming as the die is rolled, and its a 6-sided die (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6), each number has a 1/6 probability of being rolled. The probability of any number being rolled is 1/6 and the probability of not rolling that number is 5/6. Something that has only 2 outcomes, such as boy & girl or heads & tails, will have the 50 50 probability.

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No, we can't expression any negative value as a probability. A probability ranges from 0 to 1 - 0 being the lowest and 1 being the highest.

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That would depend entirely upon what it is that is being rolled.

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Even if I assume that you mean probability and not probility, the question cannot be answered since there is no information as to what is being rolled. For a normal tetrahedral die, the answer is 1.

What is a probability of rolling a 5?

Even if I assume that you mean probability and not probility, the question cannot be answered since there is no information as to what is being rolled. For a normal tetrahedral die, the answer is 1.