Ozone depletion has solutions as well. We can stop using CFC's. We can plant trees.
You stop more tourists from coming in every year
The effects of forces are materials can be either positive or negative. Positive effects include the ability to stop due to friction.
Negative effects of forces can include injury, damage to objects or structures, increased stress on materials, and disruption of equilibrium leading to instability or collapse. Excessive forces can also lead to fatigue, wear, and eventual failure of components.
One is cost and another is problems do arise now and again - this can stop you from doing certain tasks until it is fixed so it is a negative for essential business.
Marijuana is the best seizure medication in the world. Talk to your do for about dropping pointless meds that don't stop the seizures as well as cause negative side effects for medical marijuana which stops seizures with no negative side effects.
When the body reacts to stop or work in the opposite direction of a stimulus, it is known as negative feedback. Negative feedback mechanisms help maintain homeostasis by reducing the effects of a stimulus to keep things within a normal range.
well when you think about it you can stop cheating and look at a book for once....
just stop doing it
Stop using them.
The start and stop values on the sigma can be reversed if required. Sometimes, the sum does stop at a negative - eg the sum of all negative odd numbers between -13 and -3..