generally, there are five types of ratio analysis which are done by companies. they are:
what is ratio analysis
scope of ratio analysis
Ratio Analysis = Current Asset / Current Liabilities
Ratio Analysis = Current Asset / Current Liabilities
How dose the cost income ratio is calculated in the banking model?
ratio analysis
What ratio or other financial statement analysis technique will you adopt for this.
1.Commansize Balence sheet analysis 2.Comparative Balence sheet analysis 3.Trend analysis 4.Ratio Analysis
Importance of financial ratio analysis on investment decision making?
The ratio analysis is useful for inter firm comparison which basically implies that a company compares its performance with that of its industry peers. Ratio analysis is very important in simplifying the accounting figures to make then understandable to a common man.
Ratio analysis shows how a company performed at a given time. Trend analysis shows how a company performed over time and whether the company has done better, worse, or stayed the same.