The Pythagorean Theorem derived its named from Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician who is credited for the formula. However, a recent study showed that ancient cultures have already proved the formula long before any of the Greeks did.
Pythagoras. It was proved by early Chinese mathematicians, fyi.
The person whom the theorem is named after: Pythagoras.
he played the lyre
Although nobody knows for sure who first made the discovery that the earth is round, Pythagoras is indeed regarded as being the first recorded person to make the claim that the earth is round.
Yes, it's called Pythagoras theorem
he dicovered it in greece
No because it was known by the ancient Egyptians and many other historical civilisations
No He discovered how to work out the hypotenuse
Pythagoras. He didint invent them he discover them.
Could well have been Pythagoras..?