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Q: What are the simplest things one can do to make oneself happier?
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Does working make you happier in life?

Sometimes. For many people working can lead to a sense of accomplishment, and having done something. Sometimes this accomplishment is accomplishing a project, or helping make something happen. Other people derive happiness from the money, the satisfaction of supporting oneself, and/or the things that one can buy with money. If the job is a physical one, the body responds to physical exertion with endorphins, which can make the person happier as well.

What can you do about your life to be happier?

There are many things to do. Try getting involved in activities to meet knew friends! Or find things that you really like to do that make you happier. If you are always sad and nothing is working you might consider talking to your doctor.

How do you make yourself appear happier?

Make it look like you have moved on and think about things in a positive frame of mind. Make it seem like you have changed for the better.

Do sunsets make people happier?

Not really, it is just a sunset. It is beautiful, but it doesn't make a person happier.

Which is happier a car or a truck?

They don't have emotions, if you mean which one will make you happier, only you can answer.

Could you make a sentence with the word happier in it?

Yes, he seems happier today than he was yesterday

How do you get you Pokémon happier?

certain pokeblocks can make Pokemon happier if your talking about Pokemon emerald or Sapphire, but generally the more you raise your Pokemon the happier they become.

How will you make angyry customar happy?

Most angry customers can be satisfied. If you give them free things or if you don't charge them for things, they usually become happier. An apology is always helpful, too.

Does having a pet make you happier?

yes it does. there are reasons why they make you happier like they can relieved stress, lower depression, and make you go outdoors more and be more active.

How did the Romans make ice cream?

by using the simplest of things such as snow and ice.

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When you smile at someone does it make them happier?

If you smile at a person it can make them happier. There are also many people who aren't affected by these emotions. They generally choose to be sad instead.