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Q: What do the major lines (heart line, head line, life line) signify in my palm?
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What Do Head Dresses Signify?

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Moving the head to signify no is what?

Moving the head to signify no is a cultural gesture that can be interpreted differently in various countries. In some places, nodding the head from side to side can mean no, while in others, shaking the head up and down can signify disagreement. Understanding cultural differences is important to effectively communicate through body language.

Which One of the four major blood vessels in the neck transporting blood from the head to the heart?

jugular vein

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The route of major parasympathetic outflow from the head is through the cranial nerve known as the vagus nerve (CN X). This nerve innervates many structures in the head, including the heart, lungs, and digestive system, to regulate functions such as heart rate, breathing, and digestion.

What is the major vein that carries blood from the head to the heart?

what is the major artery and vein that deliver and drain blood to and from the head along the spinal cord?

How did frankenstien die?

he got shot in the head and heart he got shot in the head and heart he got shot in the head and heart

What does a sweet smelling exhaust signify?

usually it is antifreeze that is getting into the combustion chamber that produces the smell. possibly because of a bad head gasket,or cracked head that allows fluid from the cooling system to be drawn into the combustion chamber. either way it is major engine work

What should you follow your heart or head?

Heart with love, head with money.

What are the five partings on the lion head symbol signify?

1peace kksdflkvkr uhdfye0r chsdfjs; uhsdfgfgk

What does head vs heart mean?

one thinks with his/her head and feels with one's heart

Where do shrimp have a heart?

Shrimp have a heart located on their back, near their head. This structure is part of their circulatory system, which pumps blood throughout their body to deliver oxygen and nutrients.

What are the lines on your hands called?

Top one, closest to your fingers is the heart line. below it is the head line and the last one,(curved around thumb) is the life line.