To find out what fraction of 2 weeks is equal to 1 year in seconds, we need to convert both time periods to seconds and then calculate the fraction.
First, let's convert 2 weeks to seconds:
1 week = 7 days
1 day = 24 hours
1 hour = 3600 seconds
So, 2 weeks = 2 * 7 days * 24 hours * 3600 seconds = 1,209,600 seconds
Now, let's convert 1 year to seconds:
1 year = 365 days (ignoring leap years for simplicity)
1 day = 24 hours
1 hour = 3600 seconds
So, 1 year = 365 * 24 * 3600 seconds = 31,536,000 seconds
Now, to find the fraction of 2 weeks that is equal to 1 year in seconds, we divide the number of seconds in 1 year by the number of seconds in 2 weeks:
Fraction = (31,536,000 seconds) / (1,209,600 seconds)
≈ 26.0864
So, approximately 26.0864 times of 2 weeks is equal to 1 year in seconds.
It is 30/60 or 1/2 simplified
6 seconds 120 seconds or 1/20
1 (normal) year is 31536000 seconds and a leap year is 31622400 seconds.
It is: 1/1440
1 year = 31,556,926 seconds.
It is 1/2.
To find the fraction of a minute in 15 seconds, we first need to determine how many seconds are in a minute, which is 60 seconds. Therefore, the fraction of a minute in 15 seconds is 15/60, which simplifies to 1/4. This means that 15 seconds is equivalent to one-fourth of a minute.
It is: 60 seconds = 1 minute which is 1/60 of an hour