its 7:23 3 because if its in the middle or near the middle it has to be 7:23 but if its exactly in the middle its 7:25
When the big hand is on the 6 and the small hand is on the 10, it indicates 6:50. The small hand represents the hour, which is between the 6 and the 7, and the big hand represents the minutes, which is on the 10. Therefore, the time is 6:50.
When the big hand is on the 9 and the small hand is on the 7, the time is approximately 3:30. The big hand represents minutes, so it is pointing at the 9, indicating that 45 minutes have passed. The small hand represents hours and is pointing between the 3 and the 4, suggesting that it is halfway between 3 and 4, which is 3:30.
If the big hand is on the four and small hand is pointing at five, then the time is 5:20.
will be 1.45 in digital time. On a clock, the small hand will be between 1 and 2 but closer to 2 and the big hand will be on the 9
the small hour hand will be on the 7 and the small minute hand will be on the 1
Yes, I can.It is the angle between the hour hand and 12 when the time is 4:20Yes, I can.It is the angle between the hour hand and 12 when the time is 4:20Yes, I can.It is the angle between the hour hand and 12 when the time is 4:20Yes, I can.It is the angle between the hour hand and 12 when the time is 4:20
big hand for minutes and little hand for hours.
Oh, what a delightful question! When the big hand is on the 7 and the little hand is between the 2 and the 3, it's about 7:15. Remember, time is like a happy little tree, always changing and flowing gently.
as he was trying for the first time he thought that making small is the best
First, look at the small hand and whichever number is is at is the hour. Then look at the big hand and whichever number it is at is the minute
50 is 10 minutes before the hour while 30 is the 6th hour. Thus it represents 10 minutes to 6, or 5:50 (am or pm). However, the hour hand cannot be on the 6th hour if the minute hand is on the 50th minute. The hour hand would have to be exactly 5/6ths of the distance between the 5th and 6th hour at 5:50. If it were on the 6th hour at 5:50, by the the time the minute hand reached the hour, the hour hand will have travelled a further 1/6th of the distance between 6 and 7. So the correct answer is that it's time to get a new clock. The hands are out of alignment.
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