The 3 in 26.344 represents the number 3 hundred. This is because 3 hundred is equal to 300 and 26.344 is equal to 26,344.
three million
Can represent any number based on value of the whole, 3/4 (75%) of 100 is 75, if the whole number was 4, 3/4 would be 3.
There are 5 bits in the immediate value for an LC-3 ADD, but the first bit is needed for the sign representation. The answer is 15.
3. Absolute value is the positive value of a number. If the number were 3, it would stay a positive three.
What is the value of the digit 3 in the number 13?
Its value is 3.
It is unclear as to the value of this number.
.3 repeating