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Europe and Asia

North America and South America

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Q: What 2 continents are together on 1 land?
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What 2 continents are joined together?

Europe and Asia are joined together by land, a connection known as the Eurasian landmass.

What is Asia connected to the same land mass as Europe these 2 continents together are sometimes called what?


What 2 continents are thesmallest in land area?

Australia and Antarctica are the smallest continents in terms of land area.

What 2 continents have land borders with the US?

No continents. Two countries: Canada and Mexico

How many continents have land along the equator?

There are three continents that have land along the equator: Africa, South America, and Asia.

What are the 2 smallest continents in land area?

Australia and Europe.

Which 2 continents have the largest land areas?

Asia and Africa.

What are the 2 continents in the world with the largest land areas?

asia and africa

What are the 2 continents in the word with largest land areas?

Asia and Europe

What are the two continents in the world with the two largest land areas?

The two continents with the largest land areas are Asia and Africa. Asia is the largest continent, covering around 30% of Earth's land area, while Africa is the second largest continent, covering about 20% of the land area.

What are the 2 continents in the world with the largest land area?

asia and africa its easy

What evidence is there to show that the continents today were once from an super continent?

Evidence supporting the theory of the supercontinent Pangaea includes the jigsaw-like fit of continents, similarities in rock formations and mountain ranges across continents that align when continents are brought together, distribution of fossils of identical species across distant continents, and similarities in ancient climates and geological records found on separate continents. These pieces of evidence work together to suggest that the current continents were once part of a single landmass.