

What 2 lines make a graph?

Updated: 10/17/2024
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15y ago

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x and y

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Q: What 2 lines make a graph?
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What are coplanear lines?

Coplanar lines are 2 or more lines located on the same plane. Ex.: If you draw 2 or more lines on a graph, they are all coplanar (the plane they are all on is the piece of paper you drew the graph on).

Why does it make sense to put lines in the plot of a line graph?

A line allows you to better visualize the trend of the graph.

What two lines make a coordinate graph?

The X and Y Axis

When 2 lines have slopes that are negative reciprocals of one another the graph of the equations are?

of mutually perpendicular lines.

What is the graph of y equals -x?

the graph is 2 straight lines from the origin in quadrants 1 and 2 at angle of 45 and 135 degrees from 0

How do you graph parallel and perpendicular lines?

If you want to graph parallel lines, they need to have the same slope (Ex. 2x+2 and 2x+3)- parallel lines cannot have the same y-intercept because the two line would be the same. Perpendicular lines slopes need have to be opposite reciprocals (Ex. -2x+4 and +1/2x+3)- perpendicular lines can have the same y-intercepts, it doesn't make a difference.

What is the difference between a linear graph and a non linear graph?

Linear graphs make straight lines. Non-linear graphs make thins like parabolas, hyperbolas, and ellipses

What is a double line graph?

a double line graph is a graph that is same as a line graph but there are two lines

How do you make a graph?

you put a line going horizontallyyou put a line going down verticallymake the 2 lines connectmake it look like an Lwrite data information

What does a line graph have?


Steps in making a graph?

Step 1. Determine what will be on the graph. Step 2. Make the graph.

How many lines can be in a line graph a once?

it depends how big you want it to be if you want it to be a small graph then up to 7 lines It can really be as many as you can fit in unless you are told otherwise. Too many lines would make it hard to read which is the main aim of graphs.