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3*9 = 27

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Q: What 2 number that can be multiplied to equal 27?
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No, two is a prime number. No number can be multiplied by itself to equal 2.

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First of all, pretend the negatives aren't there. What is 1 multiplied by 2? 2, right? And a negative number multiplied by a negative number always equals a positive number. So, the answer to -1 x -2 = 2. Hope this helps!

What does power of 3 mean in math?

A number to the power of 3 (colloquially to the third power) refers to raising the number by an exponent of 3. An exponent of a number represents how many times that number is multiplied by itself.For example:2 to the power of 3 is the same as 23, which is the same as 2 x 2 x 2 = 8.

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What number multiplied by itself 3 times is 27?

A number, x, multiplied by itself once is x^2. It is NOT x.The number, x, multiplied by itself twice is then x^3.The number, x, multiplied by itself three times is then x^4.Thus x is the 4th root of 27.So x = 27^(1/4) = +/- 2.2795 and +/- 2.2795*i where i is the imaginary square root of -1.