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Tetrahedron comes to mind.

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Q: What 3 dimensional figure starts with a t?
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What is a 3-dimensional figure?


What is A figure with a length width height?

It is a 3 dimensional figure that has length, width and height.

What is the two dimensional pattern that you can fold to form a 3d figure?

A net.A 2-dimensional pattern that you can fold to make a 3-dimensional figure is called a net.For instance, make a letter 'T' out of 6 squares. The vertical part of the T has 4 squares, and the horizontal part has 3 squares (one square is common to both) . This net can be folded to make a cube.

What do you mean by draw the net of cube?

It means to draw a cube which is 3 dimensional into a 2 dimensional representation of it and it would look like the letter T

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What is the dimensional formula of electric potential?

The dimensional formula of electric potential is [M L^2 T^-3 I^-1], where M represents mass, L represents length, T represents time, and I represents electric current.

What starts with t is filled with t and ends with t?

What starts with "t" is filled with "t"and ends in "t"

What is another name for a sailor that is 3 letters long and starts with a T?


2 If the force F length l and time T are chosen as fundamental quantities the dimensional formula for mass?

The dimensional formula for mass in terms of force (F), length (L), and time (T) would be: [M] = [F]^(1/2) [L]^(3/2) [T]^(-1)

What is the dimensional formula of voltage?

The dimensional formula of voltage is [M L^2 T^-3 I^-1], where M represents mass, L represents length, T represents time, and I represents electric current.

What 3 dimensional puzzle sold by ideal toy corp was the most popular gift in 1980?

khtrijqm, 'rq#]t

What starts with t and ends in t and has a t in it?

that First, the correct question is, "What starts with T, ends with T and has T in it?" Second, the correct answer is Teapot.