

Best Answer

There are an infinite number of lengths between 4 cm and 5 cm.

Here are a few:

4.00001 cm

4.00002 cm

4.00003 cm

4.0001 cm

4.001 cm

4.01 cm

4.1 cm

4.11 cm

4.12 cm

4.13 cm

4.2 cm

4.3 cm

4.4 cm

4.5 cm

4.6 cm

4.7 cm

4.8 cm

4.9 cm

4.99 cm

4.999 cm

4.99900001 cm

4.99900002 cm




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What are 3 numbers between 4 centimeters 5 centimeters decimals?

4.00001 cm, 4.00002 cm, 4.00000000000000001 cm.

What numbers are between 4 centimeters and 5 centimeters?

The total is infinite.

What is between 3 and 4?

If it is integers, you have -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 and 3. If rational numbers or irrational numbers or real numbers, there are an infinity of them between -3 and 4.

What are 3 real numbers but not positive numbers between -6 and 6?

-5, -4, and -3 are 3 such numbers.

2 centimeters x 4 centimeters x 3 centimeters?

2*4*3= 8*3= 24 cm3

How do you find the cubic centimeters to this problem 3 centimeters by 4 centimeters by 6 centimeters?

3 x 4 x 6 = 72 cubic centimeters

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The significant relationship between 3, 4, and 7 is that 3+4=7.

What are all of the numbers between 3 and 4?

There are infinate numbers between 3 and 4. You can be from 3.0000000000000......01 to 3.999999999......999. You can always add on another number.

What are 3 numbers between -3 and -4?

-3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 -3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993752 -3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993753

What is the volume of 2 centimeters x 4 centimeters x 3 centimeters?

Volume = 2*4*3 = 24 cc

What is the prime numbers between 2 3 4 5?

2 3 5 are prime numbers.

How many centimeters are in between 4 and 5 centimeters?

It really depends on your resolution, on how many divisions you can possibly make between 4 and 5 centimeters. If I can divide it into 20 divisions, I can say that it has 20 - 0.05 centimeters. Or if you divide it by 2, we can say that it there are two 0.5 centimeters between 4 and 5 centimeters.