Any that are divisible by 9 are also divisible by 3.
8 is 2 cubed 27 is 3 cubed
0.0310 has 3 significant figures.
3, one of the rules is counting the Zero between none zero numbers
Three. All nonzero numbers are significant, and any zeros in between significant numbers are significant.
Any that are divisible by 9 are also divisible by 3.
3 The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are always significant. The number 0 is significant only if it is between two of those numbers, or if it at the end of a number with a decimal.
The question is not clear.What do you want to mean by "The relationship between two numbers X and Y can expressed as either ....or ...".Wht relationship?You have mention certain conditions..Like, X an Y are two numbers.X is greater than Y by 3..then the relationship will be: X=Y+3...
3 significant figures.
3 significant figures.
3 significant figures.
3 significant figures.
3 significant figures.
8 is 2 cubed 27 is 3 cubed
All prime numbers are rational number because they can be expressed as 'top heavy' fractions as for example the prime number 3 as a fraction is 3/1
45.01 has four significant figures.