

What 3d shape has one square?

Updated: 10/17/2024
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12y ago

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A square based pyramid is one possibility.

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Q: What 3d shape has one square?
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What 3D shape has a square and 3 triangles?

There can be no closed 3D shape with only one square and 3 triangles.

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Is square a 2D shape or a 3D shape?

It's a 2D shape.

What is a 3d shape with 5 faces?

A 3d shape with 5 faces can be a square pyramid

What 3d shape has square faces?

A cube

Is a square 3d shape?

No, a square is a 2d shape, although a 3d shape can be made using multiple squares at different angles than 180 or 0 to each other.

Can 2D shapes be turned into 3D figures?

only if it is in a certain shape, although the 3d shape would not look exactly like the 2d one, take this, if a square were to be turned into a square, it would have to be extended, but if you were to do this it would just stay as a 2d square, in a 3d world, but if it were a net (like the t cube) then yes, it would be able to become 3d

What is a 3d shape with 5 cornes?

A square or rectangular based pyramid is a 3D shape with 5 corners or points. It also has 4 triangular flat flaces, one square/retangular face and 8 straight edges.

What is the difference between a 1D shape 2D shape and a 3D shape?

take, for an example, a duck. This is a 3d shape because it has three dimensions. Compare this to a square, which is 2d. the difference is that the duck has a beak, and the square does not.

Im thinking of a 3d shape it has a square base it has 4 other faces which are triangles what is the name of the 3d shape?

The simplest such shape is PYRAMID.

Which shape does not belong circle triangle square and cylinder?

It is the 3D shape cylinder