To simplify 894 over 1000, you must understand that both numbers can be divided by the number 5. However it is not quite possible to simply this particular numbered equation.
894/1 894 over 1
894/1000 = 447/500
1000-1894=894 because first I taked the 894 away then I substarcted(1000-1000=0)so I bringed the 894 back then pop!!! its (894)
It is: 45/1000 = 9/200 simplified
263/1000 cannot be simplified further.
It is: 248/1000 = 31/125 simplified
Already simplified!
It is already simplified.
123/1000 can't be simplified any further
3/1000 cannot be simplified further.
the simplified version of 352/1000 is 44/125.