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Q: What Is the ruler method for volume?
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What is the formula for the ruler method of volume?

l times width times height

Why cant you use a ruler to find the volume of a paperclip?

A ruler is used to measure length and does not account for the height or width of an object, which are necessary to calculate its volume. To find the volume of a paperclip, you need to measure its dimensions in three dimensions using a tool such as a caliper or by using a water displacement method.

What volume cannot be measured by a ruler?

A ruler has length and therefore measures lengths not volumes.

What is the method of calculating volume called?

volume displasment

Identify the tools used in scientific method?


What is the RULER approach?

The RULER approach is a method of teaching. It stands for Recognizing, Understanding, Labeling, Expressing, and Regulating.

How are the volumes different when you use a graduated cylinder and a metric ruler?

A metric ruler measure a legth not a volume.

What method do you use to find the volume of a circle?

circle does not have volume

What are three ways to find volume?

well first u can eat a ham sandwich or u can take volume then times it by 860 then determine how many killawatts it has in it then u divide it by the kilometers so that's two the last on is switching to allstate "Can u afford not to be in good hands?"

What tool is used to find volume of regular objects?


What would you use to mesure volume?

you would use a ruler.

Method used to figure the volume of an irregular shaped object?

method usede to figure the volume of an irregular shaped object