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circle does not have volume

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Q: What method do you use to find the volume of a circle?
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What method would you use to find the volume of a liquid?

eat a burger

What method is the best way to find the volume of a sample of water?

Use a graduated cylinder and the water displacement method. Pour the sample of water in the graduated cylinder and find its meniscus. That is its volume.

If you wanted to find the volume of a necklace what method would you use?

water displacement

What method would you use to find the volume of a cube?

Multiple the length by the width by the height

What method could be use to find the radius of a circle with a diameter of 7?

Divide the diameter by 2.

How do you find the volume of a circle based pyramid?

Wouldn't a circle-based pyramid look a lot like a cone ? If so, you could probably use the formula for the volume of a cone and get away with it.

What method is used to find the density of an irregular shape object?

First 'weigh" the ojbect on a scale. this gives the mass. 2nd use the water displacement method to find the volume. Then divide Density = mass / volume.

Can you use Volume displacement method for objects that float?

Yes, the volume displacement method can be used for objects that float. This method calculates the volume of an irregular shaped object by measuring the water displaced when the object is submerged. The difference in water levels before and after submerging the object is used to find the volume of the object.

How do you find volume of an irregular shape object?

You use disfigurasation

How will you find the volume of an irregularly shaped object that would dissolve in water?

To find the volume of an irregularly shaped object that would dissolve in water, you can use the water displacement method. Fill a known volume of water in a container, note the initial water level, then submerge the object in the water and measure the new water level. The difference in water levels is the volume of the object.

Why do you use pi to find volume?

You use pi to find volumes that include circles, as volume = area x depth, and the area of a circle always involves pi

Explain how to find the density of a substance?

Density is calculated by dividing the mass of a substance by its volume. To find the volume, you can measure the dimensions if it is a regular shape, or use water displacement method for irregular shapes. Once you have the mass and volume, divide the mass by the volume to find the density.