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Q: What advantage does a graph have over a table having same information in the form of numbers?
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What advantages does a graph over a table having the same information in the form of numbers?

it is more of visual information so easy to understand by looking at it

What do the numbers 0 through 6 in this graph represen?

It's hard to say, since we're having such a difficult time seeing the graph.

The graph shows the relationship between Lori's paycheck and the numbers of hours she works which statement is not supported by the information in the graph?

We'll let you know after we see the graph. Or the statements.

How can you make a graph with this experiment?

To make a graph with an experiment, it would be wise to make a short graph at first. Make a rough draft using basic numbers, and draw the graph after the information is gathered.

How do you graph the numbers?

The answer will depend on what numbers you wish to graph.

What advantage of reproduction does the graph show?

line graph

When do you not connect the dots on a graph?

When you have numbers on the graph the are not whole numbers.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a picture graph?

One significant advantage of a picture graph is its ability to convey information in a way that almost anyone is able to comprehend. They are also great for utilizing in a learning environment.

What will help you organize information into columns and rows?

A graph/table, or Microsoft Excel, or Apple Numbers.

What is the advantage of organizing data on a table?

You can retrieve information quickly, unlike a graph. It is also easier to compare, and to find the rate of change.

The number line is a graph of the?

There is a similar question which was answered as graph of real numbers. It could also be a graph of the line y=0, or a graph of the x-axis.

How does a line graph work?

With a line graph you use lines. You put numbers at the bottom of the graph and numbers on the side. In other words the bottom numbers are on the x axis and the numbers on the side are on the y axis. Then when you have the dots on the graph you connect them and then it makes a line.