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Q: What ancient taught students the golden mean?
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Aristotle taught his students to follow what?

the golden mean

Aristotle taught his students to follow the what?

the golden mean

What did Aristotle teach his students to follow?

Aristotle taught his students to follow the the golden mean. At one end of the scale is extremes and the other end is deficiency. The moral man stays in the middle.

Was the rule of the golden mean taught by Aristotle?


Idea taught by Aristotle that a person do nothing in excess?

The Golden Mean

What is Golden Mean and its uses?

Also called the golden ratio. See Greek philosopher and scientist, Aristole taught the golden mean philosophy.

Where did Aristotle teach?

Aristotle taught his pupils the "golden mean", which said that a person should do nothing in excess.

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Do you mean 'How are the French taught French?'. They would learn it the same way you learned English as a baby. Your French lessons would be more like their English lessons than their French lessons.

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If you mean the name 'Ponmathi', then it would be an ancient Tamil name for Golden Wisdom

What does being professional educator mean to you?

A professional educator is one who teaches students at an advanced level. The students don't memorize the information being taught. They learn and use what they've learned to do various things in life.

What does being a professional educator mean to you?

A professional educator is one who teaches students at an advanced level. The students don't memorize the information being taught. They learn and use what they've learned to do various things in life.

What does archea mean in greek?

αρχαία (archea) means ancient and it is in plural form. The singular one is "αρχαίο" (archeo). Sometimes students in Greece with αρχαία mean the course of the ancient greek language and literature which they attend in school.