In the sixth century B.C, (for example) Pythagoras, familiar to geometry students for his Pythagorean theorem, taught that the essence of the universe could be found in music and in numbers.
Thales of Mileuts ~585 BC was a dualist. He taught his students of the phusis (one underlying element to everything). He believed the phusis was water. He believed in the mind and the body (as well as physical matter) being separate entities.
Aristotle taught his students to follow the principle of moderation or the "golden mean." This concept suggests finding a balance between extremes in behavior or emotions to achieve virtue and lead a harmonious life.
Aristotle taught his students to follow the "golden mean," which is the idea of finding a rational balance between extremes in order to achieve virtue and live a good life. He emphasized moderation, self-control, and the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of life.
The philosopher Aristotle taught his students to follow the golden mean, which promotes finding a balanced approach between extremes in all actions and behaviors. This concept emphasizes moderation and avoiding excess in order to achieve virtue and harmony in one's life.
Aristotle did much of his work in Athens. He founded a school called the Lyceum. Aristotle liked to walk around the school grounds while teaching his students.
Plato was one of Socrates's students who then taught Aristotle.
The Athenian Garden was located in Athens, Greece and served as the meeting place for Aristotle and his students where he taught his philosophical ideas. It was also known as the Lyceum.
Aristotle taught logic by giving his students riddles and had them logically work through to find the answer. His students learned about logic by using it.
he was taught by aristotle
Aristotle taught at the Lyceum in Athens, Greece, which was a school that he founded. The Lyceum was a center of learning and philosophy where Aristotle and his students engaged in discussions and lectures on a wide range of topics.
The school and sports ground in ancient Athens where Aristotle taught was the Lyceum. The Lyceum was a public gymnasium and meeting place where Aristotle founded his own school known as the Peripatetic School. Here he taught and discussed philosophy and science with his students.