

What angle is a rhombus?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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13y ago

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A rhombus is not an angel. One angle of a rhombus can have any value in the range (0, 180) degrees. The opposite angle is the same, and the other two are supplementary.

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Q: What angle is a rhombus?
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What is the charateristic of the angle rhombus?

There is no such thing as an "angle rhombus". The opposite angles of a rhombus are equal, adjacent ones are supplementary.

What rhombus have rotational symestry?

A rhombus which has at least one angle a right angle (i.e. a square which is a special type of rhombus)

Does a rhombus with at least one right angle have to be a square?

it wouldn't be a rhombus if it had a right angle.

What is the degree of rhombus?

An angle in a rhombus can be any value less than 180 degrees. However, if the angle is 90 degrees, the rhombus becomes a square.

Does rhombus have angle bisector?

Any shape which has an angle can have an angle bisector.

What shape has 4 equal sides but no right angle?

Rhombus :)

Is every rhombus a suare?

No. A rhombus is only a square if the rhombus contains at least 1 right angle.

Can a rhombus have a obtuse angle?


If an angle of rhombus is 35degrees what are the remaining three angles?

The opposite angles of a rhombus are congruent. So the angle opposite to the given angle is also 35 degrees. The consecutive angles of a rhombus are supplementary (add up to 180 degrees). So the supplement angle of the given angle is 145 degrees (180 - 35), and the angle opposite to that angle also will be 145 degrees.

What do the angles of a rhombus equal?

The sum of the angles in a rhombus equal a straight angle (180o).

Can an rhombus have an obtuse angle?

A rhombus must have a pair of opposite angles which are obtuse (and equal).

Is rhombus a square?

No, a square is a four sided polygon with all it's sides the same length and where each angle is a right-angle. A rhombus may or may not have right angles. So while a square is a rhombus, a rhombus is not necessarily a square.