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It needs at least 1 obtuse angle. Usually you can only have one obtuse angle, so the rest would be acute.

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Q: What angles does a obtuse triangle need so it could be a obtuse triangle?
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Is a triangle a Acute Angle Obtuse Angle Right Angle?

A triangle is not an angle. A triangle is made of three angles. -- All three of them can be acute, but they don't need to be. -- One of them can be obtuse but doesn't need to be. -- One of them can be a right angle but doesn't need to be. -- If any angle in the triangle is right or obtuse, then the other two need to be acute.

Is an isosceles triangle an obtuse?

It can be but need not be.

Can an obtuse triangle have more than one obtuse angle?

No, an obtuse triangle can not have more than one obtuse angle. This is because all of the angles have to add up to 180 and the smallest obtuse angle you can have is 91 degrees. So 180-91=89. 89 degrees is the angle that you need to complete the triangle and it is an acute angle. Therefore, you can not have more than one obtuse angle in an obtuse triangle.

Does every triangle have at least one obtuse angle?

-- No right triangle, acute triangle, or equilateral triangle has an obtuse angle in it. -- If a triangle has an obtuse angle in it, then it's called an obtuse triangle. -- No triangle can have more than one obtuse angle in it .

How do you find the angles of a right angle triangle with one side is 300mm the other is 4200mm i need to know the obtuse angle?

If it's a right angle triangle then you'll have difficulty in finding the obtuse angle because it will not have one.

Is an isosceles trianle an obtuse triangle?

It can be but need not be.

Is it possible for a triangle to have the angles with the measures of 3445 and 100 why or why not?

Assuming that you mean 34, 45, and 100, no. The angles of a triangle need to add up to 180. You could have a triangle with angles of 35, 45, and 100.

How does having an exampe of an obtuse angle help you write a definition?

It does not. You also need examples of angles that are not obtuse. Based on only an example of an obtuse angle, your definition could simply be two line [segments] meeting at a point.

Can a triangle have an obtuse anlge and a right angle'?

No. ================================ Another contributor waxed more verbose: The three angles inside a triangle must add up to 180 degrees. A right angle has 90 degrees, and an obtuse angle is one with more than 90 degrees. You'd have more than 180 degrees right there with those two angles, and you'd still need another angle in your triangle. So it doesn't work

Difference between right isosceles acute scalene?

A right angled triangle has one angle that is 90 degrees. The other two must be acute and may (but need not) be equal to one another. An acute triangle has all its angles less than 90 degrees. They may be all the same, two of them the same or all different. An isosceles triangle has two angles the same (and hence acute). The third angle can be acute, right or obtuse. A scalene triangle has three unequal angles. Two of them must be acute but the third may be acute, right or obtuse.

Why can't an obtuse triangle not have a right angle?

Because an obtuse angle is greater than 90 degrees by definition and a right angle is 90 degrees by definition, so an obtuse triangle would need to have both a right angle and an obtuse angle, which would exceed the number of degrees than a triangle can have, which is 180 degrees.

Does a triangle have to congruent angles?

yes, only the isosceles triangle has two congruent angles. But triangles don't need any congruent angles