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Q: What answer would you get if you were rounding 62 to the neastest tenths place?
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How do you round the 7 in 3.276 in the nearest tenths?

The 7 in 3.276 is in the thousandths place. When rounding to the nearest tenths, we look at the digit right after the tenths place. Since the 7 is greater than 5, the tenths digit remains the same. Therefore, rounding 3.276 to the nearest tenths would be 3.3.

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This depends what you are rounding by. If it is to the nearest whole number it would be 7. To the nearest tens place it would be 10. If you were rounding by the nearest tenths it would be 7.10.

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How do you round 1234.456 to the nearest thousandths?

In the case of 1234.456, the 4 is in the tenths place, the 5 is in the hundredths place, and the 6 is in the thousandths place. Therefore, no rounding is needed. If the number were 1234.4567, for example, then rounding it to the thousandths would make the number 1234.457. If it were 1234.4564, then it would stay the same, 1234.456.

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No you are not able to round like that. You could round it to the nearest whole number which would be 7 or if you were rounding by the decimals tenths place it would be 7.30.

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The whole number of 21, or rounding to the tenths would be 21.5

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Jack ran a race in 9.865 seconds.What is this time rounded to 1 decimal place?

To round to 1 decimal place you'll have to look at the decimal place after it (the hundredths place). In this case, 8 is in the tenths place (first decimal place) so we look at the hundredths (or second) decimal place, which is 6. If the second number is 0-4, you do not round the first decimal place up. Ex. rounding 1.232 to the tenths place would be 1.2. If the second number is 5-9, you round the first decimal place up. Ex. rounding 1.252 to the tenths place would be 1.3. Here we see that our second number is 6, which is between 5 and 9, so we round up- 9.865 round to 9.9. There are a few technicalities with the thousandths place rounding up the hundredths place, which can in turn round up the tenths place, but for the purposes of this question specifically that doesn't really matter.

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99.998 rounding to the tenth place is 100. The hundredths digit is a 9, so you round up to 0 and regroup it to the tenth. The tenths digit is a 9 and regrouping would make the tenths digit a 0 too. This happens with the ones and tens digit. All the 9's regroup to 0's making the answer 100.

What is the tenths place of 342568?

There is no tenths place displayed in 342,568It would be 342,568.0 when rounded to the nearest tenths place.

Round what does rround mean?

In mathematics, rounding is the act of taking a number and writing into the nearest possible number with a place digit. You can round to the ones place, the tens place, the tenths place, the hundredths place, and so on. You round by looking at the number prior to the place digit you want to round to. For example, take .0248. If you were rounding to the ones place, you would see .0, and round it to 0. If you're rounding to the hundredths, you'd see '4,' which is less than half of ten, so you would write it as .02. In rounding, you round up if it the number is five or above, and round down if it is four or below.

What is the number in the tenths place of 2346?

In your example there is no tenths place. You would have to express it as 2,346.0 with zero being in the tenths place.